The Château Fort de Druyes, former residence of the Counts of Auxerre and Nevers, stands on a hill overlooking the valley.
Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines has been selected as a candidate for the favorite village of the French.
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The Château Fort de Druyes, former residence of the Counts of Auxerre and Nevers, stands on a hill overlooking the valley.
Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines has been selected as a candidate for the favorite village of the French.
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The water of the basin comes from resurgences similar to those of the Fosse Dionne and the fountains of Vaucluse. It is the result of infiltrations through the limestone plateaus of the Forterre.
The banks, the meadow and the lake have been developed for walks, there is a park with games for children, a fitness trail and a guinguette. The lake is used as a water mirror for fireworks and the “600 floating candles” on December 24.
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The first evidence of vine cultivation in the Irancy region dates back to the 3rd century AD. The oldest written archive mentioning the Irancy vineyard dates back to 861.
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The wines of Chablis occupy one of the first ranks among the white wines of France.
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On top of a steep hill: the Eternal Hill, the Basilica of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine has watched majestically since 858 over the winegrowers’ houses and the Renaissance residences.
This masterpiece of Romanesque art, restored in the 19th century by Viollet-le-Duc, makes Vézelay a major pilgrimage site and a starting point for the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
To know more about it : de Tourisme Puisaye Forterre
More than 1000 years old, the Castle of Saint Fargeau is the most important historical site of Puisaye Forterre, and it is also every summer, the theater of a breathtaking Show
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The Château Fort de Druyes, former residence of the Counts of Auxerre and Nevers, stands on a hill overlooking the valley.
Druyes-les-Belles-Fontaines has been selected as a candidate for the favorite village of the French.
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The water of the basin comes from resurgences similar to those of the Fosse Dionne and the fountains of Vaucluse. It is the result of infiltrations through the limestone plateaus of the Forterre.
The banks, the meadow and the lake have been developed for walks, there is a park with games for children, a fitness trail and a guinguette. The lake is used as a water mirror for fireworks and the “600 floating candles” on December 24.
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The first evidence of vine cultivation in the Irancy region dates back to the 3rd century AD. The oldest written archive mentioning the Irancy vineyard dates back to 861.
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The wines of Chablis occupy one of the first ranks among the white wines of France.
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On top of a steep hill: the Eternal Hill, the Basilica of Sainte-Marie-Madeleine has watched majestically since 858 over the winegrowers’ houses and the Renaissance residences.
This masterpiece of Romanesque art, restored in the 19th century by Viollet-le-Duc, makes Vézelay a major pilgrimage site and a starting point for the pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.
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More than 1000 years old, the Castle of Saint Fargeau is the most important historical site of Puisaye Forterre, and it is also every summer, the theater of a breathtaking Show
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